

Returns a list of all the known Pokémon.

For every Pokémon all the data on each requested field is returned.

NOTE: To skip all CAP Pokémon, PokéStar Pokémon, Missingno, and 'M (00) provide an offset of 89

You can provide take to limit the amount of Pokémon to return (default: 1), set the offset of where to start with offset , and reverse the entire array with reverse .

You can provide takeFlavorTexts to limit the amount of flavour texts to return, set the offset of where to start with offsetFlavorTexts , and reverse the entire array with reverseFlavorTexts .

While the API will currently not rate limit the usage of this query, it may do so in the future.

It is advisable to cache responses of this query.




Sets the offset where to start

take = 1423

Return only this many results, starting from the offset


Reverses the dataset before paginating


Sets the offset for flavor texts from where to start.

takeFlavorTexts = 1

Return this many flavour texts, up to the maximum of entries that the requested Pokémon has.

reverseFlavorTexts = true

Whether to reverse the list of games from which to get the data. By default Generation 1 is considered for take first, when setting this to true that is instead Generation 8.



Returns [ Pokemon !]!.

